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Location: Jakarta, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

Just call me Dhini. Because I'm sure you'll not really interested with my life story. I'll make some grammatical error on my post. Because I'm not from an English speaking country. Just enjoy it!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Happy Belated Birthday INDONESIA

Today, August 17th 2009, is an Independence day of the Indonesians.I went to Wisma Duta (mine, kidding). The main plan is just join aubade, not the ceremony. Unfortunately, my lovely friends didn't come, SO the aubade group had to join the ceremony, great!. Although it was a quite short ceremony, but ceremony ya tetep aja ceremony. At the sudden end of the ceremony, the MC said "Pasuka aubade akan menyanyikan 5 buah lagu...bla...blaaa" we ran to the stage, it's a kinda silly thing we did. Before that, bu Aan gave us a lil Indonesian flag, I thought we will hold it and move it for all the song, but the fact wasn't like what I thought. We just did it in a very last time of our last song. Cool!
After our song, they gave us our VERY DELICIOUS lunch, Sari Ratu. And enjoyed acara-acara lain such as breakpong (ka fitri n kokom), yuda dkk, inul (yg gesha tunggu2), etc. The most interesting show is when I sang 5 songs. LOL (not funny).

From Wisma Duta, Aubade team went to KLCC for buat bodoh. And it works. (I really don't understand with "It works" thing.) Seharus nya kita serombongan, but because me, thevet, jasmine, and galih had to wait for takim and udin, so we miss rombongan depan. Karena terlalu capek, so we decided to took taxi. Setelah lama menunggu rombongan penjelajah yang lama, akhir nya kami face them dan oke I got it, hannan was on her very bad mood, she was jealous at somenone. Then we decided to move away, then went to BURGER KING and had our second lunch. Lagi2 kita punya masalah dengan pembagian kewajiban, alias bayar. Waktu di nando's Jasmine yang harus pusing, tadi giliran thevet, who's next?
Sampai sudah pada prosesi pemulangan. Infront of the twin tower, we wait for a big size taxi that fit for us, 7 persons. We wait for an ORDINARY big taxi, not an executive one. Giliran lagi nunggu g lewat2, pas lagi foto, we always missed it. Finally, we dicided to took the executive big blue taxi. It cost MYR 30. Quite expensive for student rate. (yang penting sampe rumah) When we arrived di demol, a heavy rain felt d
own, membasahi KL and my body. I ran to KTM station to get the train as fast as I could. Hujan semakin deras dan percuma itu station ada atap nya karena air nya tetep aja masuk, and the train was DELAYED! My big thanks to KTMB. Ok sampe di situ aja cerita perjalanan saya hari ini.

KLCC (takim, Aul, thevet, galih, Jasmine, ME!)Dhini juga pengukuhan, emang paskibra aja. :p


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